Welcome to the KHS Transition page 2024
Welcome, Year 6, to your Year 7 Kineton Transition area. Over the next couple of months, we will be populating this area with information including:
- A plan for our transition day – Wednesday 10th July 2024
- Key information about the school
- Important dates
- A FAQ section
We are also hoping to visit your primary schools in person this year; more details will be coming via your Year 6 teacher.
We can’t wait to welcome you to Kineton in September 2024
- New Student Admission Pack
- Attendance Agreement
- Acceptable use of the SVMAT/School’s ICT systems and internet
New Student Admission Pack
Attendance Agreement
Attendance - Connection time
We are committed to all our students having the best possible education and positive experiences during their time with us – making positive connections with their tutor, peers, subjects, through memorable experiences in school, trips, and extra-curricular opportunities. To achieve this, we expect that all students achieve at least 96% attendance every academic year.
There are a variety of reasons for students missing school. Some reasons are unavoidable, but we would ask that you support us in ensuring that your child’s attendance meets both the school and government expectations.
The Headteacher can only authorise requests for a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. Leave is unlikely to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. While we appreciate the financial pressures many families are subject to, we are not legally allowed to authorise a leave of absence for financial reasons (e.g., a more affordable family holiday). If the Headteacher grants a leave of absence, it will be for the Headteacher to determine the length of time a child can be away from school. Leave of absences which are unauthorised should not be taken. If they are, parents are committing an offence and, in some cases, may be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecution.
Ideally medical appointments should be made outside of school times. However, if this is not possible, we request that appointments are made after 10am and your child comes to school before and/or after the appointment or appointments are made for after 2pm. This ensures that students get their AM and/or PM registration mark and the impact on their attendance is minimised.
If your child is unable to attend school, please report the absence on the first day of absence, via ClassCharts, you will also be able to email or call. Please leave a message if you are unable to speak to someone directly and continue to report each day of absence in the same way.
Any problems with regular attendance, especially concerns about possible bullying or difficulties with accessing learning, are best managed by all of us working closely together and we would ask you to contact your child’s tutor or Head of Year at the earliest opportunity to share any concerns.
We will closely monitor your child’s attendance and alert you if we feel there is an issue. Where there may be an issue and we fail to see an improvement, it may be necessary to make a referral to an appropriate external agency or Local Authority to ensure students receive the support required to bring about improvement. An attendance figure of 90% or below is classed as persistent absence, and is deemed unsatisfactory attendance, which automatically triggers a series of actions as per School Attendance Policy.
Did you know?
Attendance of 95% for the year equals 9 days that you have been absent, that is almost 2 full school weeks for that year and 50 hours of missed lessons.
Attendance of 90% for the year equals 19 days that you have been absent, that is almost 4 school weeks missed and 100 hours of missed lessons.
Attendance of 85% for the year equals 29 days that you have been absent per, that is almost 6 school weeks missed and 150 hours of missed lessons.
The partnership that parents/carers and Kineton High School and Sixth Form has is fundamental in ensuring that our children and young people gain the best possible education and are prepared and ready for life beyond school or in their next phase of learning.
Parents can have a very important influence on the attitude which their child brings to their learning. We encourage you to ensure that yours is a very positive influence by:
Ensuring that your child attends school regularly (above 96%), on time, properly equipped and wearing their uniform correctly.
Not taking holidays during term time.
Showing interest in your child’s work and taking every opportunity to praise their efforts and to tell them how well they are doing.
Helping your child to manage their time and providing the opportunity to research widely.
Scrutinising your child’s written work, reading ‘FAR marking’ comments and discussing these with your child.
Encouraging your child to read regularly at home and have a reading book in their bag for school.
Providing a suitable environment for the successful completion of home learning.
Encouraging your child to set ambitious educational and career goals and to maintain them in the face of setbacks.
Monitoring your child’s home learning by checking the ClassCharts app.
Supporting the school’s policies for behaviour and attendance.
Making an appointment beforehand and attending meetings with staff as appropriate and generally maintaining close contact with the school.
Ensuring that students do not bring expensive items or large sums of money to school. This includes personal entertainment equipment. The school cannot accept responsibility for these items if students bring them onto the school site.
Supporting the school policy on mobile phones. Phones are allowed for approved use only on the understanding that they remain turned off and out of sight at all times. Students must ask permission if they need to use their phone on the school site. Phones are confiscated on sight if seen or used without permission and on the second, or further occasions of the academic year parents are required to collect the mobile phone.
Encouraging participation in the wide range of extra-curricular activities that are available; and taking on appropriate roles and responsibilities.
Making the school aware of any concerns, problems or medical conditions that might affect your child’s work/behaviour/wellbeing.
Utilise the ClassCharts app to monitor positive behaviour and any concerns raised.
Discuss any issues with your child and ensure that they attend any sanctions to allow the relevant restorative/problem solving conversation to take place.
For its part, the school will endeavour to:
Ensure that your child achieves their full potential as a valued member of the school community.
Provide a balanced curriculum which meets the individual needs of your child.
Inform you about the content of the curriculum and what your child will be learning.
Help your child to enjoy their learning and achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and making a positive contribution as a responsible citizen.
Keep you informed about general school matters and about your child’s progress in particular.
Prepare your child for economic well-being in the future.
Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school.
Promote healthy living and care for your child’s safety and happiness.
Acceptable use of the SVMAT/School’s ICT systems and internet
Agreement for pupils and parents/carers
ICT and the related technologies such as the internet and email are an important part of learning in our SVMAT/School.
We expect all Students to be responsible for their behaviour when using ICT and the Internet. It is essential that Students are aware of e-Safety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT.
Students are expected to discuss this policy with their parent or guardian and then to sign and follow the e-Safety Rules. Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with their class teacher or the e-Safety coordinator.
No student will have access to the internet unless the consent form is completed, without exception. Any student who is subsequently disciplined for misuse of their network account, Internet, or email privilege with have their access withdrawn in accordance with the school’s e-safety policy. Parents will be informed of the nature of the offence, and Internet/email access may in some cases only be returned once the school and parents have agreed.
- I will only use the SVMAT/School’s ICT systems including the internet, email, digital video etc for school purposes, and only when under the supervision of a member of staff.
- I will not attempt to download or install software on SVMAT/School technologies.
- I will only access the SVMAT/School network using my own username and password and will not access any other user’s files – If someone else finds out my password I will change it immediately.
- I will follow the SVMAT/School’s ICT security system and not reveal my passwords to anyone, I will change my password regularly.
- I will not bring in any viruses or malicious programs using USB sticks or other removable media. I will ensure any files I bring to school are virus scanned before connecting them to the SVMAT/School network(s).
- I will only use my SVMAT/School email address for email communication between other students and staff.
- I will access any not non-SVMAT/School email accounts though the school network, such as Hotmail and Yahoo Mail.
- I will make sure that all ICT communications with Students, teachers or others is responsible.
- I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the Internet. This includes resources I access and the language I use.
- I will not deliberately browse, download, or upload material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material, I will report it immediately to my teacher or another member of staff.
- I will not send to Students, teachers or others material that could be considered offensive or illegal.
- I will not upload content to the SVMAT/School VLE (Where available) that may be offensive, or hurtful to any member of the SVMAT/School community.
- I will not complete and send on-line forms without the permission from my teacher.
- will not give out any personal information such as name, phone number or address. I will not use the SVMAT/School ICT systems to arrange to meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher.
- I will not attempt to bypass the SVMAT/School internet filtering system.
- Images of pupils and/ or staff will only be taken, stored, and used for SVMAT/School purposes in line with SVMAT/School policy and not be distributed outside the SVMAT/School network.
- I will respect the privacy and ownership of others’ work on-line at all times.
- I will respect SVMAT/School technologies and understand I may be liable for any damage I cause to SVMAT/School equipment.
- I understand that all my use of the Internet and other related technologies is monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
- I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, SVMAT/School sanctions will be applied, and my parent/guardian may be contacted.
As you will be aware, we use a voluntary biometric recognition system in school. This is used for our cashless catering system. We find this provides the school with a number of very significant benefits including:
Reduction in administration time and cost dealing with lost or forgotten cards/passwords/PINs
Reduction in the need for cash handling
Reduction in queuing time
In order to comply with the provisions of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (which came into effect in September 2013), we need written permission from a parent in order for students to use the biometric system.
Background to the use of biometrics in school
For the sake of clarity, biometric information is information about someone’s physical or behavioural characteristics that can be used to identify them. There are many possible biometrics, including for example, a digital photograph, fingerprint, or hand shapes. As part of our identity management systems, we currently record a biometric measurement taken from a finger, but not a fingerprint image. The information is stored in a highly secure database and is only used by the school to confirm who is using a range of services. In future we may use other biometric services where appropriate.
Our chosen solution allows us to use a secure database holding biometric data for use with a range of services. This means we store the least amount of data possible. This reduces the risk of loss of data.
The data that is held cannot be used by any other agency for any other purpose.
The school will not use the biometric information for any purpose other than that stated above. The school will store the biometric information collected securely in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The school will not share this information with anyone else and will not unlawfully disclose it to any other person.
Current Legislation – The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
This legislation requires schools to:
Inform parents about the use of the biometric systems in the school and explain what applications use biometrics.
Receive written permission from one parent if the school is to continue processing biometrics for their child.
Allow children to choose an alternative way of being identified if they wish.
Children under 18 who do not have permission will not be able to use existing or new biometrics when using services in the school.
Please note that all Biometric information data will be permanently deleted when your child leaves the school or if you wish to opt out of the system.
Please confirm on the online admission form if you are happy for your child:
To take part in school trips and other activities that take place off school premises; and
To be given first aid or urgent medical treatment during any school trip or activity.
Please note the following important information before signing this form:
The trips and activities covered by this consent include:
all visits (including residential trips) which take place during the holidays or a weekend
adventure activities at any time
off-site sporting fixtures outside the school day,
all off-site activities for nursery schools.
The school will send you information about each trip or activity before it takes place.
You can, if you wish, tell the school that you do not want your child to take part in any particular school trip or activity.
Under GDPR we need your consent to share personal information with outside agencies such as educational visits companies. This will include passport details, health and dietary information. By signing this form you are agreeing for your child’s details to be passed on.
Once consent has been provided you will be updated throughout the year on all planned activities/trips that your child will participate on.
During the school year, we may sometimes wish to take photographs or video recordings of children within school or on school trips, either for our own records, for use as part of our learning curriculum or for inclusion in our promotional material such as the school prospectus and our website.
The school may also invite an external photographer to the school each year to take official school photographs and may invite the media in to take photographs of pupils engaged in school activities or events for publication.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we need to ask for your consent before the school record any images of your child. In view of this, please read the statements below, complete the slip and return this form to school.
This table sets out the various reasons for taking, and making use of, images of your child and we should be grateful if you would indicate whether you give consent for use in these circumstances. By indicating ‘YES’, you are confirming that you consent to your child’s personal data being shared for those purposes and/or with the named third parties):
For official school photographs, with images taken by The School Photograph Company and available for purchase by parents, and held by the school for identification purposes with names attached
For use on internal school displays
For use as part of projects of work by students
For use on the school’s website
For use on the school’s Facebook page
For use on the school’s Twitter page
Occasional sharing of images of your child taken for internal purposes with external media organisations, such as local newspapers – the Stratford Herald, Leamington Courier and Banbury Guardian or inviting such media organisations to take photographs of pupils (including your child) engaged in school activities or events for publication.
Occasionally attaching your child’s name to images accessible externally to the school (for example social media, other websites or the print media)
Please read all of the above information and then complete the online admission form here as soon as possible (by Monday 3rd June)
- Key Dates
- Meet the Head of Year
- New school map video
- Transition Day
- Parents Transition Evening Wednesday 10th July
- Student FAQs
- Parent Support
- Photo Gallery / Student Work
- Summer School 2021
Key Dates
Meet the Head of Year
New school map video
Key dates
Meet the SEND team Parents Evening (in person) – Monday 22nd April, 5pm
Introduction to the department and provision at Kineton
For all parents/carers and students to attend, if they wish
Individual Parent Teams Meetings (virtual) – Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th April
Information finding appointments (related to SEND only)
For all parents/carers to book if they wish
Enhanced Transition Evening – Monday 1st July
For selected pupils only – by invitation from the SEND team
Enhanced Transition Day – Thursday 4th July
For selected pupils only – by invitation from the SEND team
For further information on SEND at Kineton High School, please visit our SEND page here: https://www.kinetonhighschool.org.uk/curriculum/send
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you see your form tutor around school?
You will see your form tutor every day in the morning. Form tutors have other jobs in the school as well, so you will see them throughout the day. They might even be one of your teachers. You might also see them during breaktimes on duty.
Where is the playground?
There will be a new playground at the back of the school. We will be able to point out where it is going to be on a map very soon.
How many people will be in a form room?
This varies and depends a little on the size of the year group. In Year 7 next year, each form will have 30 pupils.
What year do you re-name the school houses?
We are currently reviewing the school house system to update the names. We'll let you know as soon as they are confirmed and you should be in your houses by transition day on Wednesday 10th July.
How many transition days will children have?
The transition day is on Wednesday 10th July 2024. All year 6 pupils will go to their new Secondary Schools to visit on this day. We also run enhanced transition for a smaller number of pupils.
If access to the new build is limited, will maps be available for those who panic about knowing the layout? Absolutely, we will have a map ready for you all.
We will attach a map soon so that you can start to learn about the layout of the new school. We will also share a video of how it looks on the induction day and new parents evening.
Are laptops available for Dysgraphia?
We have a small number of laptops in Horizon which can be booked by teachers for pupils who need them for longer written tasks and for assessments. These laptops are also fitted with ClaroRead which can read text.
What time does classes start?
The start of day bell goes at 8.25am. Form time/registration officially starts at 8.30am. The first lesson of the day starts at 8.50am.
Transition Day
Parents Transition Evening Wednesday 10th July
Student FAQs
Parent Support
Photo Gallery / Student Work
Summer School 2021
We understand that you might have lots of questions about Transition.
The documents below should answer any queries you may have.
If you have any further questions, please email kinetonhighschool@stowevalley.com with the subject heading Transition.