Teaching and Learning


Our core values are to personalise the learning for all students, to check learning regularly and skilfully, and to challenge students in all aspects of their learning and development.  
Children who come to Kineton will be equipped through the curriculum with the knowledge and the skills to achieve their personal best, and be ready to embrace the 21st century head on. Kineton’s curriculum is designed to create a sense of awe and wonder, but at the same time empowers all students to be tenacious learners. Teachers impart knowledge in a personalised way to ensure all students develop a sense of mastery in their subjects. Children are challenged at all levels to be the best they can be. Learning will be checked regularly and skilfully to engage the students, and to inform planning. Teaching and learning is interactive, inspirational and inclusive ensuring no child is left behind. Our students at Kineton will leave as happy, ambitious and confident young adults, who have developed a lifelong thirst for learning





Research around Teaching at Kineton High School

Kineton High School is an Evidence Informed Practice school:

Kineton High School firmly believes in using academic research to inform curriculum planning and delivery. As part of our commitment to evidence informed practice each teacher embarks on a journey of research in the classroom every year. This largely involves trialling new ideas based on sound academic research and working with a group of children to improve both their confidence and attainment in the subject. The outcomes of the research are generally shared to staff at the end of the year and publicised in a book. Recent projects which have been shared across the school have involved the use of music to improve concentration in coursework-based subjects, how to differentiate tests so that every child has the confidence to have a go and the role of a universal positive praise system at the start of every lesson. The current research projects are based around stretching and challenging the students with their learning across all subjects.