Learning Resource Centre
We want to create a world where everyone is reading their way to a better life. Research shows that reading for pleasure can promote better health and wellbeing, aids in building social connections and relationships with others and is associated with a range of factors that help increase the chances of social mobility.The Reading Agency
Kineton is proud to have an excellent Learning Resource Centre which is bright, busy and welcoming. It is an important and integral part of the school which is used extensively for reading and research through the day. It offers an alternative venue for Sixth Form private study periods and is also very popular before school, at break, lunch time and after school.
The Learning Resource Centre caters for all abilities and enthusiastic staff are always on hand to offer support and guidance on resources, both for research and reading for pleasure.
Year 7 students have an induction to the LRC to learn how to find and use information. KS3 have regular timetabled lessons where they can choose and read books as part of the Accelerated Reader Scheme.
Opening Hours:
Monday and Friday – 8.15am until 2.45pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – 8.15am until 3.45pm
Resources: A large selection of regularly updated fiction and non-fiction books, newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, networked computers, a colour printer/photocopier and a wide range of stationery items.
There is a Stationery Shop and revision guides are also on sale.
Student Librarians: We run a Student Librarian scheme with volunteers from Year 7 upwards who provide invaluable support each break and lunchtime.
Homework Club: After school, where you can use the Library facilities, or simply relax with a good book!
W.S.L.S: The school subscribes to Warwickshire Schools Library Service and therefore our fiction stock is regularly updated, to include the latest best sellers!
Events/Promotions: Students are encouraged to enter competitions and take part in schemes such as the Warwickshire Poetry Slam, Carnegie Shadowing and the Year 7/8 Warwickshire Secondary Schools Book Award. We celebrate World Book Day each year when there is the opportunity to meet a visiting author.
Use this link to find out more about the Learning Resource Centre:-
Looking for something to read?
Use this link to borrow and read eBooks from the Warwickshire Library Service anywhere, anytime and on multiple devices (students should see Mrs Johnson for a log-in):-
Did you know that just reading for pleasure will increase your attainment?
Take a look at:
Warwickshire Libraries have a wealth of information and resources for students to use – http://library.warwickshire.gov.uk/iguana/www.main.cls?surl=librarycatalogue
Or go directly the Warwickshire Libraries reference section http://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/onlinereferencelibrary
Students need their card numbers to access some resources, and they will need their card number and their pin number to access some non-Warwickshire resources, but which have authorised links through the library website.
Follow our Learning Resource Centre on Twitter @khslibrarian to find out our news.