Headteachers Welcome
Welcome to Kineton High School and Sixth form, a school which has a strong tradition of providing an excellent education to our local community and beyond.
On September 1st 2019, Kineton became an academy and joined Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust. We have quickly forged excellent relationships with schools across the Trust, benefiting students and staff.
At Kineton High School and Sixth form we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence because we know what a difference it can make to the lives of our young people, their families and communities. The staff and students have a long history of working in partnership as a close-knit team to ensure that all the young people in our care achieve their personal best.
Indeed our motto, “Achieving personal best” is at the heart of everything we do at the school; the way we go about our business is firmly based on our core values of Honesty, Ambition and Support. We know that young people learn best when they are happy, safe and secure. We are fiercely proud of the excellent pastoral care offered to our students; our staff make an effort to know every one of them personally, encouraging and insisting on their success both academically and through the varied and exciting experiences they are encouraged to participate in whilst here. This inclusive approach ensures that we offer a challenging and broad curriculum from Year 7 to Sixth Form which is personalised through effective advice and guidance throughout the key stages. Teachers are experts in their subjects and deliver learning experiences that inspire all students to achieve extremely well at GCSE and Post 16 courses, successfully enabling them to go on to their preferred destinations, generally without exception.
Our students are respectful, friendly, loyal and rightly, highly ambitious for themselves and their school. We all know that the support of our whole community; children, families, staff and governors is vitally important to our continued success. I am very proud to be Kineton’s Head teacher and look forward to meeting you and working alongside you very soon.