Parents' Views
Some of the common areas parents and carers have asked us to address:
- Improve the consistency and way in which homework is communicated
We have introduced Microsoft ‘Teams’ as our online solution which enables parents and students to easily view the homework that’s been set.
We have reviewed the homework policy and are closely monitoring the frequency and feedback of homework across the school.
- Improve our communication with parents and stakeholders
We have a fortnightly newsletter (Kineton Update)
We have updated our phone system and improved our internal communications
We are improving our online presence through the website and on social media, particularly Twitter and Facebook
- Offer more support and help with revision skills
We have introduced parents’ evenings to help them understand the requirements of each specification and how they can help
All departments will build in time to support and directly teach how to consolidate material in preparation for assessment
- Investment in the buildings
In the last two years the buildings have had a major window replacement project making a difference to the look of the buildings and the ability to retain heat.
There has been a major investment in flooring across the school where dangerous and old floors have been replaced by laminate or carpet; vastly improving the internal look of the school and improving the sound quality in classrooms.
Many classrooms and corridors have benefitted from a lick of paint
The quadrangles have received some much-needed updating and planting
The Stowe Valley Trust has supported us in replacing the signage across the site and our main entrances.
- Offer a late bus service to Banbury- we are working on this!
- Offer healthier options in the dining hall and reduce queuing time
We have worked closely with Educaters to offer a more varied menu and ensure that those with dietary requirements are catered for more effectively.
We have introduced an additional cold food till to ease congestion in the dining area.